Aveam un amic ametit Ce calarea un satelit. Earth Hour Spirit Of Astrotipuritura If you switch off the light, you switch on a star, and more… Maybe the generous sky gives you a meteor. Sau poate altundeva Sa incerc a ma salva. Poveste Astrotipuriturista Fiicei mele Arden i-a aparut recent primul dinte, si e de-a dreptul insistenta ca fiecare sa cunoasca personal teroarea puternicului ei colt. Plans I made have turned to pain Cloudy skies all filled with rain.
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Oh, reziduri spatiale, Ce ne marcheaza cu jale. Clear Skies; Line II: Here on Earth and there in the sky, All is ours when verses fly. I saw a comet as a hope At least through my telescope! Venus and Jupiter - bright cons. The echo of the light? Today his name is Space Station.
All astrotipurituras and connected works are presented in two languages: Mars is male and Venus female, What about the Earth, did it fail?

Double stars in Ursa Major Talk too much and provoke terror. Imprastiat de-a lungul stralucitoarei mari galactice era barbatul fara de nume sau de legenda faimoasa fiindca femeia fusese prinsa zambind, tinand arma fumeganda, bucurestiyl piese din el sub masa.
Ritual de taina si de sarbatoare Doua secunde calatorind solid? Seminte purtate de nori.

During the previous total lunar eclipse, she was still waiting to be born, so it seemed fitting to give her a view from the other side. Valentin Grigore I think your astropoetry show at the Leonid Workshop was very beautiful and the people were very impressed….
Pluto's planet time is up, Now he's just a Disney pup. Aveam un amic ametit Ce calarea un satelit. A prins un codoi cometar Si-a devenit de-un palid clar.
What a time it was, Doru and Valentin! In timpul precedentei eclipse totale lunare, ea inca astepta sa fie nascuta, asa ca aceasta a parut ca o pregatire in a-i oferi o viziune din partea cealalta.
Stele numar pe o mana Am un vis, sa-ti fac cununa. I look for my love, oh father, Just from a star to another. He waits until the stars are right At last he dines on you tonight Astepta stelele bine Ca sa cineze cu tine Outside the port immensity That comes between my love and me Dincolo de portul imens Dintre iubirea-mi si non-sens Someone's aiming asteroids The last one's name was Fatter Boy Spre asteroizi a tras; Ultimul, Baiatul Gras No more landfills that's our goal All we need is one black hole De-atat pamant si vreme grea, O gaura neagra am vrea.
The Moon hangs pale above the trees - Is it really ripe, green cheese? Then why should I sleep in the night? A sacred ritual of a fine day: When meteors joaptea over me, I jump to catch them hopelessly.
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Best wishes to astropoetry For all human lives that will be… Gand bun de-astropoezie Si-n vietile ce-au sa vie… -Virgil V. Ici si colo-n universuri Totul e-al nostru prin versuri. The World Stelevezri Championship has the following rules: Dreaming of impacting stones, Dropped from bed right on my bones. Each night I search the brilliant sky To find an asteroid to buy. I still remember fondly your visit here and our long time together, a period I will always treasure and return to in my thoughts with affection.
Ateleverzi altfel ati vrea voi sa fiu? Eu cred ca-i astroprostie! Insa viata lor maiastra Nu coboara-n joaca noastra. Each work must have two rhymed lines.
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