Thursday, 14 November 2019


Active 7 years, 8 months ago. Analysis and Simulation Axis 2: This is a bug-fix release, solving compilation and library issues on Ubuntu OK, after I hacked up ImageMagick so that it didn't use that stupid symbol branch, it compiled fine and I fell through to the next problem which is that the Makefile tries to use some mysterious tool called "o" to compile main. Please refer to the original pfscalibration web page for more information. The software is meant to provide an accurate photometric reconstruction rather than visually pleasing results. pfstools

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Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. Here are some key features: What kind of compile errors are you getting? Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Input image bit-depth can be between 8 and 16 bits.

pfstools package : Ubuntu

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. I think QT is the problem with building pfsview - the moc compiler just refuses to install right. I can't give you the answer for sure, but I'm having trouble getting them to build in cygwin too.

This is a bug fix release, pfstoos issues in Octave interface, newer compilers and with some HDR file formats. They were developed for Linux, so the documentation says that in Windows they need to be compiled and run in Cygwin, which is not a big deal except that I can't get them to compile following the instructions.


For details on the calibration of the HDR cameras please refer to the research report. The pfscalibration package provides an algorithm for the photometric calibration of cameras and for the recovery of high dynamic range HDR images from the set of low dynamic range LDR exposures. This is a minor release, which fixes several important issues, including a bug in pfshdrcalibration, storing bit EXR files and improvements in cmake build scripts.

Tpo -c -o pfs inimgmagick. How do we handle problem users? Global homographic image alignment with pfsalign.

Matlab MEX files can now be compiled on Windows. SSilk SSilk 1, 5 5 gold badges 21 21 silver badges 39 39 bronze badges.


The pfstools package is a set of command line programs for reading, writing, manipulating and viewing high-dynamic range HDR images and video frames.

No experience with these tools in particular, lots of experience compiling stuff. It's way more trouble than it's worth. The pfstools package is an attempt to integrate the existing high dynamic range image formats by providing a simple data format that can be pfstolos to exchange data between applications.

Source Package: pfstools (2.1.0-4)

Ben Ben 11 ptstools 1 bronze badge. The pfstmo package contains the implementation of seven state-of-the-art tone mapping operators suitable for convenient processing of both static images and animations.

Does anyone here have any experience using these in Windows? Active 7 years, 8 months ago. Anyway, I've tried sticking a "long long" def for it in various places and it's not taking.

Rendering, Visualization and Illustration Axis 4: It looks like a missing symbol issue. Several compilation issues on Ubuntu have been resolved.

pfstools package in Ubuntu

The software implements two photometric calibration methods: Command not found" My assumption is that this is due to an error ofstools the makefile. From Acquisition to Display Axis 3: The library can be used for writing custom applications that can ptstools with the existing pfstools programs. OK, after I hacked up ImageMagick so that it didn't use that stupid symbol branch, it compiled fine and I fell through to the next problem which is that the Makefile tries to use some mysterious tool called "o" to compile main.


How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example. This is a bug-fix release, solving compilation and library issues on Ubuntu

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