Saturday, 16 November 2019


The author just came out with a new version of the software. IMapper, View a geocaching location using several online mapping sites. FizzyCalc is a Windows application that allows simple conversion of coordinates to various formats. It is an excellent way to convert coordinates. The tabbed interface ensures a quick access to all available options, while it is also intuitive enabling users to take advantage of it, regardless of their experience level. fizzycalc

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FizzyCalc is a free and simple iOS app for performing various coordinate calculations and By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. FizzyCalc is a Windows application that allows simple conversion of coordinates to various formats. I tried fizzycalc and it didn't seem to work on this format.


The center of a circle will be the exact same distance from any point on the circumference. The third tab, projection, is almost identical in function to the projection feature on your GPS receiver, but much easier to use. Fuzzycalc the coordinates you want and click the first tab "Coord conversion," paste the coordinates into the top window, then click the "Go" button.

From a coordinate string it is possible to calculate the checksum and digital root with this tool.


Suppose you have a puzzle cache like Circular Reasoning that says the true coordinates are located in the center of a circle on which lie the three listed waypoints.

Didn't have to go to Categories. It, too, can be used to find puzzle caches or multi's that require a waypoint to fiazycalc projected. It is possible to find out the UTM Universal Transverse Mercatorlatitude and longitude values, by simply inputting the coordinate string.

FizzyCalc - Free download and software reviews - CNET

FizzyCalc is a software program whose purpose is to help people make various coordinate calculations and conversions, with a minimum amount of effort. FizzyCalc is a Windows application that allows simple conversion of.

This feature can be used to locate a waypoint on a map using a mapping website. It also works in reverse: The author just came out with a new version of the software.

To download No need to install, just run EXE file!

I never thought of posting the information here. I don't have this model, but according to page 13 of the manual at http: FizzyCalc was reviewed by Madalina Boboc. My old NUVI allowed me to choose the format. The tabbed interface ensures a quick access to all available options, while it is also intuitive enabling users to take advantage of it, regardless of their experience level.

Found a Util called FizzyCalc

Log In Sign Up. You use the same systems I do for the same agency, in the same complex. If you want to use MapQuest, for example, you can copy the output from fizzydalc the first or the third output line and paste those into the appropriate input window on MapQuest.

One way to solve this is the guess-and-check method.


This can be used for determining where to place a cache. I hope the Garmin Alien Horde can forgive me for my error. Thanks for thinking about posting it here. FizzyCalc, Converts geographical coordinates to other formats. To wrap it up, FizzyCalc proves to be a pretty useful piece of software, dedicated to both power and novice users, and the interface is quite intuitive. Chalk up more proof that Garmin Engineers live in a Galaxy far far away.

FizzyCalc only projects using true north. I have Fizzycalc on my desktop at work it works fine. He is a member of the geocaching forums.

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